Month: August 2016

12 – Babies and First Language Acquisition – Tamar Keren-Portnoy pt1

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Once again, I got lost in the labyrinthian corridors of the University of York Language & Linguistic Science department, this time to speak to Tamar Keren-Portnoy about first language acquisition. There’s a lot of similarities between how we learn our first language and how we acquire our second language, so it’s a useful topic for ESL / EFL / second language teachers.

She gives us insights into such things as how babies develop syntax/grammar norms, why they learn some words earlier than others, how babies are not simply mimicking their caretakers and, through her own research with Rory DePaolis & Marilyn Vihman, how babies learn through listening and the sounds they themselves make.

You may remember Marilyn Vihman from episode 9 of MOT.

Later in the year, I’ll release a mini-episode about the developmental stages of babies.


Marilyn Vihman Interview on MOT

“Travel Broadens the Mind” – Campos et al (2000)


Key words: baby, babies, acquisition, teaching, learning, babbling, language, babbling, cooing,